Blood circulation in humans by blood cells and blood vessels through . Therefore, it is called a closed circulation . Systemic blood circulation takes place (also called the circulation of the blood ) and pulmonary ( small circulation ) .


Tools in human blood circulation consists of the blood , heart and blood vessels . All three have different functions . Transport system in humans there are two circulatory and lymph circulation (lymph nodes ) .

1. Blood

Blood functions :

· As a means of transport nutrients and O2 to the whole body and the remains of metabolism for excretion tool .
· Keeping the body temperature .
· Circulate the water , in addition to nutrients circulate water also serves to maintain the enzymatic reaction to osmotic pressure or body .
· Circulate lymph .
· Protects the body from infection ( antibody forming cells such as white blood cells and blood clotting ) .
· Maintain body temperature stability .
· Set the acid-base balance ( Hb ) .

Human blood is made up of several components . The blood components are :

a. Blood cells comprising : red blood cells ( erytrosit ) , white blood cells ( leukocytes ) and platelets keeping - freezer ( platelets ) .
b . Blood plasma ( fluid ) consisting of :
· Water , nearly 90 % is a liquid
· Proteins: albumin ( 53 % ) play a role in maintaining the osmotic pressure of blood , globulin ( 43 % ) play a role in the manufacture of antibodies , fibrinogen ( 4 % ) play a role in blood clotting .
· Gas in the form of O2 , CO2 and N2 .
· Nutrients : fat , glucose , amino acids , vitamins , etc. .
· Mineral salts : NaCl , KCl , phosphate , sulfate , bicarbonate , etc. .
· Substance rest : urea , kretinin , uric acid , bilirubin .
· Hormones and enzymes .
c . Antigens contained in the plasma ( foreign proteins ) that are useful for forming antibodies ; presipitin which agglutinate antigen ; lysine is able to decipher the antigen ; antitoxin to offer poison .

Various kinds of blood cells :

a. Red blood cells ( erytrosit )
Round red blood cells form flat , both surfaces concave ( bikonkaf ) , and not core , the number of men is approximately 5 juta/mm3 whereas female roughly 4 juta/mm3 . Containing hemoglobin ( the red pigment in the blood ), which serves O2 binding , contains iron ( Fe ) , colored red . Red blood cells are formed in the red bone marrow , in the flat bones . Red blood cells can live 120 days , which is old / damaged will be overhauled in the spleen ( spleen ) . Hemoglobin is released will be taken to the liver to be reformed into bile pigment ( bilirubin ) . The iron is released will be used in the form of new red blood cells .
If the blood cells iron deficient it will have a disease called anemia . As if the lack of blood O2 is called cyanosis .

b . White blood cells ( leukocytes )

Various kinds of white blood cells :
· Monocytes , the core characteristics of round , large , and phagocytes are able to move quickly .
· Lymphocytes , with the characteristics of the core , can not move , for immune function .
Forms of leukocytes are not fixed ( ameboid ) , colorless , have a nucleus , round / concave , the numbers on the normal approx 6.000-9.000/mm3 . White blood cell age about 12-13 days . Made in the red bone marrow , lymph and tissues retikuloendothelium . Function of white blood cells to protect the body against infection . If there is a germ of white blood cells will eat the bacteria , if lost will turn into pus . Besides leukocytes as well as prengangkutan fatty substances , chyl and lymph vessels , and are phagocytic .

c . Blood clotting cells ( platelets )

Clotting of blood platelets form is not fixed . Function to blood clotting , number approximately 200.000-400.000/mm3 , made ​​in the bone marrow ( megakaryocytes ) . If someone is injured , platelets flowing with blood injuries , at times touching the surface of the wound will be broken and formed trombokinase , with the help of calcium ions to convert prothrombin ( blood plasma ) into thrombin . Formed thrombin converts fibrinogen into fibrin will ( fine threads ) that would cover the wound so the bleeding stops. 

The process of blood clotting :
1 . Platelets rupture ( anti- hemophilia ) --- > thromboplastin ( trombokinase )
2 . Prothrombin --- > Thrombin
3 . Fibrinogen --- > Fibrin

2. Heart

Human heart located in the thoracic cavity , and above the diaphragm . The heart consists of : prikardium ( wrapping the heart ) , the myocardium ( heart muscle ) and endocardial ( barring the heart chambers ) . There is a connecting umbilical artery blood flow in the fetus which absorbs oxygen and nutrients , while the foramen ovale is a hole in the fetal heart .

Human heart is divided into 4 rooms 2 porches ( atria ) and two chambers ( ventricles ) . Ventricle ( chamber ) has a thicker wall than the atrium ( porch ) , the left side is also thicker than the right. This relates to the function of the left hand to pump blood throughout the body clean . Between the left atrium and left ventricle are bicuspid valvula and between the right atrium and right ventricle are valvula trikuspidalis . Valvula semilunaris shaped like a crescent moon , is at the heart valves keep the blood in the same direction .

Diastolic blood is sucked enter the heart , whereas systolic blood that is pumped out of the heart. So the people who are listed on tensimeter say for example 120/100 mmHg systolic pressure was 120 per minute and a diastolic pressure of 100 per minute . Koronariasis is a blockage in the arteries editorial / coronary arteries of the heart .


Blood Vessel

a. Arteries ( arteries )
· The function of the arteries is to carry blood out of the heart . Consists of :
- Pulmonary artery , the blood flow function of the right ventricle to the lungs , contains a lot of CO2 .
- The aorta ( major artery ) , functioning drain blood from the left ventricle to the entire body , contains a lot of oxygen .

b . Veins (veins )

o Function vein to draw blood to the heart . Consists of :
- Pulmonary veins , functioning blood flow from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart.
- Vena cava superior , functioning drain blood from the upper body .
- Vena cava inferior , serves to bring blood from the lower body .

c . Capillaries

Capillaries are blood vessels are very delicate and directly related to the tissue cells of the body. Capillaries connecting the smallest arteries ( arterioles ) and the smallest veins ( venules ).

Human circulatory system there are two major circulatory system and the circulatory system small .
1 . Large Circulatory System ( Systemic )
              Large blood circulation starts from the heart through the blood out of the aorta leading to the whole body ( organs and organ parts on the bottom ) . Through the arterial blood rich in oxygen leading to organ systems , it is referred to as the systemic circulatory system . Of organ systems veins carry impure blood to the heart . Veins are derived from organ system in the heart will go into the right ventricle through the inferior vena cava , while the veins coming from the heart organ systems under taken by the posterior vena cava .
                Impure blood from the right ventricle to be channeled into the right atrium , then will be pumped to the lungs through the pulmonary artery . Pulmonary artery is a uniqueness in the human circulatory system because it is the only artery that carries impure blood ( blood containing CO2 ) .
The order of the circulatory trip : left ventricle - aorta - arteries - capillaries - the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava - right atrium .


2 . Small Circulatory System ( Pulmonary )
                Small blood circulation starting from the dirty blood taken from the pulmonary artery to the right atrium to the lungs . In exactly the lung alveolar gas exchange occurs between O2 and CO2 . O2 gas entering through the respiratory system and the CO2 will be discharged to the outside of the body . O2 will be bound by the incoming blood ( in the form of HBO ) occurs in the alveoli . Furthermore this will clean the blood out of the lungs through the pulmonary veins leading to the heart ( left ventricle section ) . Pulmonary vein which is unique both in the human circulatory system , because it is the only vein that carries blood clean. The sequence of the small blood circulation : the heart right ventricle - pulmonary arteries - lungs - pulmonary vein - left atrium of the heart.


3 . Lymph vessels ( lymph vessels )
                Right lymph vessels , from the head , neck , chest , lungs , heart and the right arm , which empties into the veins located below the right collarbone .
                Chest lymph vessels ; than other parts , boils in the veins below the left collarbone .
                Lymph vessels are vessels bermuaranya fat ( kil vessels ) . Lymph circulation is open , a filter tool germs , because lymph nodes are produced in a type of white blood cells called lymphocytes to immunity .

Here are some disturbances in the human circulatory system .
1 . Hemophilia , a disease that results in genetic blood does not clot . Hemophilia is a disease decreases .
2 . Anemia , a blood deficiency disease that can occur due to infection when exposed to germs such as hookworms , or it may be due to reduced levels of hemoglobin in the blood .
3 . Leukemia ( blood cancer ) is a disease in which white blood cells increase in an uncontrolled manner (abnormal ) about 500.000/mm3 blood . This would be very detrimental to the patient because of the nature of the white blood cells are consuming germs , because there is no disease germs it will take the existing red blood cells .
4 . Varicose is a disease of the blood vessel dilation , usually in the hands / feet . The disease is usually experienced by women after giving birth . Most likely caused by the load of the mother during pregnancy and is still actively working , much less frequent use of high heels . But did not rule out heavy labor occurs in men as porters or coolies building market regular weight lifting and leg as a pedestal .
5 . Haemoroid ( ambein ) , is a disease which is almost similar to varicose veins , but it occurs in the rectum . Usually experienced by people who are sitting in the same position and in a long time . Symptoms start when the first defecation ( BAB ) painful , hot and dripping blood out . If not treated on time sometimes sit out on his own blood and wet pants , and if it is severe then spinkter in going out because it has a lot of broken blood vessels . If this happens then to have surgery .
6 . Koronariasis , is a disease in which the narrowing of heart arteries canopy ( coronary heart disease ) .
7 . Hypertension , is a disease in which there is high blood pressure . Hypertensive blood pressure exceeds 200 mm Hg , so that will be an experienced dizziness and falls can result in rupture of blood vessels or blood vessel blockage ( stroke ) .
8 . Hypotension is the opposite of hypertension, that is, those who have the blood of less than 100 mm Hg or often referred to as low blood pressure . Usually the patient will feel tired and sometimes frequent tingling in the limbs such as the legs and hands .
9 . Fainting , which is loss of consciousness due to reduced supply of oxygen carried by the blood .
10 . Thalassemia , a blood disorder that is inherited disease characterized by the presence of abnormal red blood cells .


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